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Kongres EFOMP 2020

Tegoroczny Kongres EFOMP zapowiada się bardzo ciekawie! Pamiętajcie, że zbliża się termin zgłaszania prac – mamy czas do 10 marca 2020.

Publikujemy też zaproszenie na konferencję skierowane do wszystkich fizyków medycznych.


Dear Colleagues


The Scientific Committee and Congress Planning Committee has proceeded with the programme planning and preparations with the Local Organizing Committee. The final programme is almost ready and is updated regularly on the ECMP web pages: http://www.ecmp2020.org


The programme of ECMP 2020 will cover the most recent technological advancements from all fields of medical physics. Immediately before the congress, on Wednesday 23rd September 2020, the pre-congress ESMPE satellites will provide medical physicists with full-day training on Patient Specific QA in Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry, and Artificial Intelligence. 

The congress itself will include an inspiring set of 12 Refresher Courses with 24 lectures, 32 Scientific Sessions with 20 keynote talks, 10 Joint Sessions with more than 30 invited talks, 2 Special Focus Sessions, and ECMP Welcomes Spain Sessions. The titles span all core knowledge areas of medical physics and reach the fastest developing areas such as proton therapy, molecular, x-ray and hybrid imaging with new detectors, radiomics and deep learning. The main plenary session will be presenting the clinical data driven future in medical physics.

Now it is time to act on abstract submission, which is open and running until 10th March 2020. 

The link to abstract submission and registration is here: http://www.ecmp2020.org/#registration

Be part of the spirit of ECMP – Embracing change, sharing knowledge!


Best regards,

Mika Kortesniemi
President of ECMP 2020

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